Passion, Talent, & Opportunity
Passionate about life? Good at what you do? Work well with others?
Good news, we're hiring people like you.
At Mosaic, it's about building relationships, celebrating achievement, and having a vision larger than just a paycheck.
Check out the links and career opportunities below!
Restaurant Careers
We operate restaurants throughout the Siouxland area and Midwest region.
We continue to add restaurants and have opportunities to advance within our organization.
If you have leadership or multi-store experience, please take a few minutes to tell us about yourself.
Education & Learning Centers
We are always looking for highly qualified and passionate Directors, Assistant Directors and Teachers.
Children are our most important resource. We love being a part of their development.
If you enjoy early childhood education, please share with us your experience and career goals.
Construction & Engineering Careers
One of our fastest-growing divisions. Do you have the ability to lead a project?
Do you have the ability to keep a project on time and on budget?
If you're a highly-skilled carpenter or contractor, please take a few minutes to tell us about yourself.
Landscaping, Lawn & Nursery
This is where our organization started. We have 30 years of experience.
Landscaping professionals, irrigation gurus, and green thumbs are always welcome.
If you have a passion for beautifying the outdoors, please share with us your career goals and ambitions.
As we broaden our business footprint, we are also expanding our team and what we can offer to the public.
We are currently looking to fill accounting and staff support positions.
If you're passionate about marketing or business, please share with us your experience and career goals.